Certificate of baptism Baptismal certificate


Certificate of baptism

Certificate of baptism

Certificato di Battesimo

(dai registri degli atti di battesimo)

If church records in the local Parish Church are available, a baptismal certificate issued by the local priest can is accepted by the Italian Consulate as long as it is certified by the local Curia - Dioceses.

Baptismal certificate

Baptismal certificate Baptismal act

Atto di Battesimo - Certificato di Battesimo

Archivio Storico Diocesano Historical Diocesan Archives

Certificate of baptism

Certificate of baptism

Church certification verified by the competent Curia Vescovile (Diocese)

Certificato di Battesimo

(dal registro canonico dei nati e battezzati)

Baptism certification

Baptism certification

The certificate must be signed by the priest and his signature has to be validated

by the chancellery of the Diocesan Authority.

Certificato di Battesimo

(dal registro degli atti di nascita e battesimo)

Church Baptism Certificate

Church Baptism Certificate

Certificato di Battesimo

(certificazione di nascita)

 Certificate of baptism

Certificate of baptism  Certificato di Battesimo

(dal registro dei battesimi)

 Baptismal books

Baptismal books (Certified Copy)

Certificato di Battesimo

(copia conforme all'originale)

 Baptismal certificate

Baptismal certificate

Legalized by the office of the Curia competent for the area

Certificato di Battesimo

Legalizzazione della firma Curia Vescovile



How much does it cost? What is its price?
Please send an email: alfredonocera1@gmail.com

